The Power of Color, Sound, and Smell
                                                       By Angel Chau

There are many articles that talk about the techniques of having sex. What should men do or not do; or what should women do or not do. However, most of these articles I read are serving one main purpose that is teaching people to have dirty sex.

To me dirty sex will not stimulate love, but lust. What is the definition of love and lust? These two words are very different according to the dictionary.
1. "Love" means a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person; a   
      feeing of warm personal attachment or deep affection.
2. "Lust" means intense sexual desire or appetite; uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire.

Lust brings wild, steamy and shocking feelings to our physical bodies, but it provides no constructive communication to our spirits.
Lust has no respect to himself, herself or to anther person. Lust in sex can stir up the deepest and the filthiest thought in the mind and cultivate the curiosity of having unfaithful act.
God has called Lust shameful. (Ro 1:26), and God has asked His people to put lust to death. (Col 3:5)

In the Bible, the definition of love is patient and kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it does not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easy angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. (1Co 13:4-6)

Love will have respect for each other, and it also creates healthy, long lasting relationship that nourishes people's life together.
Healthy sex is one of the ways to express love that brings commitment, trust, peace and joy to each other. Environment plays an important role in healthy sex. The right color, sound and smell combine together can form a healthy environment for the happy moment. There are many combinations that are interesting to help to keep your sex life satisfying, but here I just want to talk about three combinations of the powerful color, sound and smell for healthy sex.

Every color has its personality, just like a human being, it has its own character, temperature and power. Pink color is very romantic, sexy and gentle. When a woman is wearing pink, it always attracts male's attention.
The pink color is inviting the gentle caring and protection from a man. Also, pink can help people forgive each other easily. If a lady wants to reconcile with her spouse after a conflict, she can ware her special pinky clothes and invite him to the seductive pink tone "nest". For sure, they will restore good relations in a minute. The pink combination will be very helpful in your sex life in the bedroom. Here is the list:

1. an all-pink bed
2. light up one or two peach smell candles
3. a glass vase with pink roses
4. play music of romantic piano

The second combination of color, sound and smell is the white theme. There are many levels of white color. Some are very strong, and some are quite gentle. It is better to use soft white for the bedroom. White color represents purity, honesty and faithfulness. The summer look bedroom will make you feel so relax that you feel like you are vacationing in the tropics.

1. an all-white bed with oversize pillows
2. light up one or two coconut smell candles
3. a glass bowl with jasmine flowers
4. turn on a table top water fountain

The third combination of color, sound and smell is the Chinese red theme. In my article, Wearing Certain Color Can Help A Depressed Person Look And Feel Delighted, I have described how "Chinese red" or "bright red" is the most important color for the Chinese people. This color is a symbol of happiness, joy, courage, confidence, honor, good luck and victory. Chinese red has the power to make people feel excited and energetic. Perhaps, people who are looking for smoking-hot sex should try this red combination.

1. an all-red bed
2. light up 2-3 bright red lanterns or red candles
3. slice 2-3 fresh chilies, add 5-6 pieces of fresh ginger and a sliced lemon,              
    put them together in a dish, and place it near your pillows
4. play your favor music or turn on a table top water fountain

Enjoy your special time!